How to transfer folders from my Mac to albums on my iOS device?

Make sure PhotoSync is installed on both the source and destination devices. The PhotoSync Companion App for your Mac is available at

Select your folders with the photos in the Finder app and drag them to the PhotoSync icon in the Dock or the small PhotoSync icon in the menu bar to transfer the folders and their contents with PhotoSync:

Drag a folder selection to the PhotoSync app
Drag a folder selection to the PhotoSync app

PhotoSync will now search for your iOS device. Make sure PhotoSync is active on the iOS device. If a device is found, select it.

Device search window in the PhotoSync app on the Mac
Device search window in the PhotoSync app on the Mac

Open the Albums drop-down box and select --> Change Album to change the storage destination on the iOS device.

Changing the default album
Changing the default album

In the album selection window, now select the album Recents or an existing folder or create a folder and select it. Click the Automatically create albums box to create albums below the selected folder with the names of the folders you dragged into the PhotoSync app. When you are finished, click Select to confirm the storage destination.

Automatically create albums in the selected folder
Automatically create albums in the selected folder

Click on Send to start the transfer.

Start sending the folders dragged into PhotoSync
Start sending the folders dragged into PhotoSync

Your photos are transferred to the selected destination on the iOS device.

Transfer progress in the PhotoSync app on the Mac
Transfer progress in the PhotoSync app on the Mac

After the transfer, you will find the folders dragged into PhotoSync as user albums on the iOS device.

Automatically created user albums from transfer from Mac
Automatically created user albums from transfer from Mac

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