How to use an iBeacon to autotransfer on iOS?
The location-based autotransfer in PhotoSync is triggered by so-called geofences, a specific location that you can define yourself. To determine the location, iOS uses cellular triangulation and, if available, WiFi-based positioning, but these are only accurate to about 150 meters (500 feet). A much more accurate location is achieved by using a Bluetooth device that uses the iBeacon standard. iOS devices are able to locate these iBeacons, which is of course very accurate due to the low Bluetooth range of only a few meters (feet).
To use an iBeacon as a location for location-based autotransfer, please enable iBeacon support in the PhotoSync settings under Expert Settings.

If iBeacon support is enabled, you can now choose between three different triggers when creating an autotransfer, the current location, an iBeacon or a trigger when charging your device. Select Add new trigger and then tap Add iBeacon to use an iBeacon as a trigger.

Now enter a name for your iBeacon and the UUID of the iBeacon, which is the identifier that the iBeacon sends at regular intervals. All iBeacons also have a major and minor value that can be used for configuration purposes, but they are not required in PhotoSync - the input is optional.
Tap Done to add the iBeacon as a trigger.

Once the iBeacon UUID has been verified, it will be listed as a trigger in the autotransfer settings.
.Most iBeacons work with a battery, but there are also models in the form of an USB plug that are powered from USB, so you can conveniently place them in a USB hub, for example.